Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Signs You Could Use An Energy Healing Session

You’re constantly tired. You can’t fall asleep until 1 am, and then you’re up for work at 4 am. Your partner keeps asking you if you’re alright, the dog is lingering around you, and even your house plants seem to be frowning at you. All the signs point towards something being off, but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is. Traumatic experiences create issues in our physical, mental, and spiritual bodies, and they can impact our energies, leaving us feeling depleted, sick, or inexplicably off. Before we can begin to understand energy, it’s important to acknowledge that the mind exists not only in the brain but throughout the body. The nervous system extends to every organ and tissue in the body, so the mind exists here also. The mind even exists outside the body in a subtle energy field called an aura. When our energy is off-balance, every part of our mind, body, and spirit feels the shift, and it can be challenging to figure out how to fix the issue. Fortunately, Elizabeth at Empowered Alchemy is here to help you get your life back on track by realigning your mind, body and spirit through energy healing techniques. Keep reading to find out whether you’re the ideal candidate for an energy healing session.

Why Is Energy Balancing So Important?

The body has seven main energy centres (also known as chakras) in our nervous system. When your chakras are balanced, your energy flow is aligned, and negative thoughts and feelings, as well as physical ailments, are far less likely to manifest.

You’ll feel healthier.

Our physical disorders often correlate with the unbalanced energy within our bodies. For example, a headache may be tied to an unbalanced third eye chakra. Once realigned, you’ll notice the headaches decrease, and you’ll be better able to focus.

You’ll feel more confident and grounded.

Feelings of unease and constant uncertainty about yourself may be related to an unbalanced root chakra. However, you can realign the energy centre and feel far more content within yourself through an energy healing session.

You’ll gain more clarity.

In some cases, a physical ailment may misalign energies, leaving you feeling unfocused and heightening your discomfort. Balancing your energy can leave you free to identify emotional, spiritual, and physical symptoms more clearly, so you can address issues at their cause.

You’ll be able to give and receive love more freely.

If you feel weighed down with unbalanced energy, you’re not going to be able to provide yourself with the love you need, let alone those around you. A chakra realignment helps you get into the right mental, physical, and emotional space to give and receive love from those around you.

Set firm boundaries.

Sometimes when our energies are misaligned, we struggle to enforce healthy boundaries with friends, family, and work colleagues. Without them, people encroach on our space, and we can feel a bit overwhelmed, exhausted, and used. Realignment of the energy centres gives you the confidence to reestablish those healthy boundaries so you can put your wellbeing first.

Manifestations Of Imbalances And Signs You Need An Energy Healing

Each of the seven energy centres is linked to psychosomatic characteristics. Imbalances in each of the centres manifest in different ways, so it’s important to be able to recognise which of your chakras needs realignment.

Root Chakra (basic needs and trust)

Where is it: The root chakra sits at the base of the spine or tailbone.

Physical imbalance manifestations: Pain or problems with the legs, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts, and the prostate gland.

Emotional imbalance manifestations: Feelings affecting your basic survival needs or money, shelter, food, and the ability to provide necessities for yourself.

Sacral Chakra (sexuality and creativity)

Where is it: The sacral chakra sits two inches below your navel.

Physical imbalance manifestations: Sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney infections, or pain in the hip, pelvis, or lower back.

Emotional imbalance manifestations: Fear of commitment to relationships, expressing emotion, fear of impotence, betrayal, and addictive tendencies.

Solar Plexus Chakra (wisdom and power)

Where is it: The solar plexus chakra sits three inches above your navel.

Physical imbalance manifestations: Digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and colon issues.

Emotional imbalance manifestations: Issues of personal power and self-esteem.

Heart Chakra (love and healing)

Where is it: The heart chakra sits at the heart.

Physical imbalance manifestations: Asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with the breasts, lymphatic systems, and problems with the upper back or shoulders.

Emotional imbalance manifestations: Jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness, and fear of loneliness.

Throat Chakra (communication)

Where is it: The throat chakra sits at the throat.

Physical imbalance manifestations: Thyroid problems, sore throats, laryngitis, ear infections, and pain in the neck and shoulders.

Emotional imbalance manifestations: Fear of communication, willpower, and being out of control.

Third Eye Chakra (awareness)

Where is it: The third eye chakra sits in the middle of the eyebrows.

Physical imbalance manifestations: Headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, seizures, hearing loss, and hormonal imbalances.

Emotional imbalance manifestations: Moodiness, volatility, and difficulty with self-reflection.

Crown Chakra (spirituality)

Where is it: The crown chakra sits at the top of the head.

Physical imbalance manifestations: Depression, inability to learn, and sensitivity to light, sounds, and the environment.

Emotional imbalance manifestations: Confusion, prejudice and self-doubt.

How Does Energy Healing Work?

There are several ways you can realign and rebalance your energies. Every person has their own unique problems and responds differently to various therapies. That’s why Elizabeth from Empowered Alchemy tailors solutions for each client, so you can access support that realigns your mind, body, and spirit for optimal function.


One of the simplest, most effective ways to realign your energy centres is meditation. Slowing breathing practices and visualisation exercises can help you identify the unbalanced chakra or chakras. Picture yourself drawing energy up from the earth, cleansing each centre one at a time. If you struggle with mediation, it can help to play frequencies or guided meditations that address each individual chakra.

Crystal energy healing.

At Empowered Alchemy, we understand that crystals carry specific energy and vibrations, with the colour of the crystal denoting what type of energy it contains. The crystals are placed on corresponding areas of the body to help tune vibrations, creating a more balanced energy flow.


Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing, where a practitioner places their hands over the affected parts of the body to release the blocked energy. This allows energy to flow freely throughout the body once more.

The Change Masters

Let’s celebrate all of the people who challenge the way things have always been.

When you hear ‘but we have always done it this way’, ask yourself “for what purpose would you choose to continue to do it the same way, hoping to get different results”?

And they judge you for being mad or crazy!


Let’s raise our glass and toast to all of those who choose to maintain their strong sense of individuality and refuse to be labeled or defamed with gossip due to other people’s ignorance.

To all of the unique and beautiful people who shine their own light.

To the rebels who refuse to shrink, just to keep a miserable person happy.

The troublemakers who beat their drum to a different beat.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently, because of their sensitivity, intelligence and creativity.

They’re not fond of rules, and choose to follow their own souls path.

They have no respect for the status quo and live their own lives without compromise or false peace.

They speak the language of truth with authenticity and integrity.

They are the ones who once would probably have been vilified or burned at the stake.

You are inspired by them!

You can quote them, emulate them, model them, disagree with them, glorify them, but you definitely cannot ignore them.

Because they are the Change Masters in our world.

They are the healers, inventors, innovators, business leaders, psychics and inspirational leaders in our world.

They are the wheels that turn our world around and drive us into a place of human evolution and enlightenment.

These true leaders push the human race forward.

And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

If you can see it,

You can believe it,

You can always achieve it.

No one said it would be easy being the black sheep, but they cannot in their wildest dreams imagine being like everyone else, just to keep the so-called peace.

Celebrate your uniqueness; if you were meant to be like everyone else, why were you born so beautifully individual?

Celebrate your differences and never shrink to keep someone else happy.

Instead tell them to stand up and become bigger.

Take magical action today, to create a better world for all of humanity and shine your light brightly for others to follow your inspirational path, and lead others out of their darkness.


Elizabeth Ellen

Art Medicine

Art Medicine Awakens The Power Within as we Connect to The Red Thread.

Connecting to our Tribe, through intention, to awaken our soul purpose with passion, to fully live our own lives and achieve optimum happiness, confidence, health and success.

Art Medicine is a power packed workshop that activates the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies through awakening the left side of our brain, opening up our higher intuition and creative centres, allowing optimal solutions to rewrite our world.

Painting on canvas with intention, creates a visual and poetic dialogue, with active meditation, shamanic journeying, energy intention, mixed media and acrylic on canvas.


Hypnosis – Are you feeling like hypnosis will never work on you?

Thats right!

It will never work on you if you are not feeling safe and confident in your environment or trust and feel in rapport with your hypnotherapist.

The best way to trust your hypnotherapist is to seek referrals, recommendations or read the reviews of your chosen hypnotherapist. To ensure you feel this person is right for you, they may have a free 15minute mini session to feel they are the person you can work with, such as what I offer. A phone consultation is always a good introduction to ask any questions you may have or to gain confidence this practitioner is right for you.

If you feel threatened, or unsafe, your unconscious mind will instantly alert you to danger, as its primary function is to keep you safe and align every cell of your physical body optimal function to operate easily and effortlessly.

When our values are aligned, and we know specifically what actions or inactions we require to feel safe and secure, and we are in this state of deep relaxation, we feel we can drop in and out of a hypnotic state likened to waking up first thing in the morning. You are in a deep state of relaxation, dropping in and out of consciousness, being able to hear the garbage bins being emptied in the morning, or the dog walking around your house or barking in the distance. You may smell the first brew of coffee or your housemates cooking breakfast. Your 6 senses are there to give you information, to guide you unconsciously and help you feel safe.

During this state of hypnosis, your practitioner will be able to elicit positive, new programs in your unconscious mind and remove negative and unwanted emotions or behaviours that have been elicited by you and your practitioner, prior to you being placed into this deep state of relaxation.

You will be able to hear outside noises from time to time, like the ceiling fan or air conditioner, or a lawn mower in the distance, or you may drop down deeply into a deeper state of relaxation, but you will always hear your practitioners voice, if you don’t, it means you may have fallen asleep, which pretty much null and voids the benefit of hypnosis.

Hypnosis stage shows may be fun, but like Las Vegas or Hollywood they have made people not trust Hypnosis as a genuine and therapeutic change therapy that is one of the most powerful ways to re-write our unconscious mind from an addictive substance like smoking etc. or biting your fingernails to fear of driving or going to the dentist or getting needles. Phobias and PTST are easily removed and new neural pathways are rewritten in your brain to form optimal behavioural patterns and wanted positive emotions.

For more information, you may like to book in for a free 15 minute mini consultation with Elizabeth by clicking the gold button on the right “Take Your First Step” or call 0416214582.