Faced with a crisis, overwhelmed, facing fear! Simple yet powerful healing tools to help you navigate your path through trauma and regain control over your life.
Fear – Face Everything and Respond.
When we are in a state of fear, our survival meter activates our amygdala which increases our flight, flight or freeze reaction time, charging up our adrenaline receptors, increasing our cortisol levels. All of this is fine in small doses, even essential to our survival. Increased adrenal and cortisol levels over an extended period of time may create chronic fatigue, illness and disease. When we are not at ease with our thoughts, we become fearful of our future and live in a state of needing to be in control, which often leads to anxiety, depression and overwhelm that feed the negative wolf in us.
When we panic, we let fear drive it.
Wake up, become meta-aware and meta cognitive, learn to think for yourself and always be authentic to you, instead of constantly chasing happiness outside of us, looking for a quick fix, which is likened to addiction.
We create pictures in our mind based on what we want to experience and achieve, which may be imaginary and either helpful and empowering or delusional and disempowering.
The fear contagion affects everyone and lowers the universal vibration of humanity. Social and Mass Media becomes the local contagion, creating a greater fear that feeds the anxious wolf in us, which is further reinforced by social isolation and the current lock-down we are experiencing. Learn to be a truth seeker and question the social norms and form your own values and moral beliefs based on what is most important to you. Learn to have a rational discourse, and challenge the status quo with intelligent meta-awareness.
Be you, be true to you, be authentically you.
TRUTH with Authenticity, Passion and Intellect is Power.
Be Your own Superhero and know when and how to speak your truth. What we hear and see on most media outlets is not The Truth. The best response is to choose what you allow into your unconscious mind, consciously; meaning, take charge of what you watch, hear and feel. Turn off unhelpful mass media channels and be selective on how the media and other people’s beliefs support you in a positive way.
Timely Relevant & Reliable Unpopular To Hear
Happiness chemicals and how to get them
Dopamine: The Reward Chemical
Eating food – fresh is best
Achieving goals
Getting enough sleep
Having a bath –with magnesium and essential oils
Oxytocin: The Love Hormone
Socialising – Humans need connection
Physical Touch
Petting Animals
Helping Others
Endorphin: The Pain Killer
Laughter is the best medicine
Listening to music
Serotonin: The Mood Stabiliser – Brain/Gut connection.
Nature Walks,
Looking up to the sky, do deep circular breathing x 5 Mindfulness
Awareness: How the thought can change the emotion, which changes the picture in our mind, which then changes the physical reaction in the body.
Learn to not engage in the drama, observe it like you are watching it on TV and Breathe through it, looking up to the sky.
Allow it to be felt, creating space around it.
When you share your emotion with others, “when you said that, this is what I felt”.
Honesty connects more deeply, connecting with the other person.
Share your feelings and allow it to be in the present moment, which is always as it is.
How do we manage to turn our life around when we are in a state of fear about our future?
How do you want your movie to end?
1. Stop!
Just stop! Remove yourself from the situation to gain a clearer perspective on your thoughts and specifically choose what you really want to bring toward you.
2. Stop / Stillness:
create space,
3. Time Out:
Think, Talk
4. Observe:
Have nonattachment and see yourself as the Lead Actor/Actress in your movie. This helps you detach from the trauma and lack of faith, and get positive learnings to change the outcome.
5. Process:
your feelings, write in a journal.
Happiness is created between us, as human beings we need human connection.
How do we overcome this social isolation and step out of our fear into faith?
How do we create a new dialogue with the positive wolf in us rather than the negative wolf?
True alchemy is when we turn our greatest fear into our biggest dream, like lead into gold.
To co-create and build a new world within us, which in turn, becomes a new world outside of us, Elizabeth is offering a complimentary 15-minute Transformational Therapy Session to see how you can Breakthrough today. Elizabeth is an award-winning mentor, coach, and leader in empowerment and healing, bringing her unique creative process into discussions about neuroscience, human potential and energy work.