How does the quit smoking hypnosis program work?
My multifaceted approach ensures you have the best possible chance of becoming and remaining a non-smoker for life.
First, I sit down with you to learn about your smoking habit. During this discussion, I examine how, when and how much you are smoking.
Then, I work with you to find and use your personal motivation for becoming a non-smoker (i.e. what benefits do you hope to gain from quitting smoking?).
I use your motivations to quit smoking as the basis for positive suggestions I deliver to your subconscious mind during hypnosis sessions. If you wish, I can record our hypnosis sessions, for you to conduct your own self-hypnosis sessions at home.
Why is hypnosis the best way to stop smoking?
The chief reason hypnosis is such an effective treatment to quit smoking is I help you attack this complex problem from several angles. I help you to become aware of underlying beliefs you may have about smoking, and give you the tools to permanently change those habits, ensuring you quit smoking for good.
The stop smoking hypnosis timeline
I know that quitting smoking is not something that happens instantly. That’s why, during our hypnosis sessions, I will help you to access any subconscious ideas or barriers which have stopped you from quitting smoking in the past.
Through hypnosis, I will help you to change those self-limiting beliefs, and transform them into positive beliefs, to help you move forward with the strong belief that you can quit smoking for good.
Are you ready to leave smoking behind and step into the freedom of a non-smoking life? Contact Empowered Alchemy today for a hypnosis session.